Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Grandma's 80th Birthday

Yesterday was my grandma's 80th Birthday. We had so much fun! The whole family got together at Home Town Buffet to throw her a "surprise party." My uncle Chuck and cousin Rob even flew in from Chicago for the party.

We had a separate room in the back so we could all spread out. And though she wasn't quite surprised, she was really happy we threw her a party at Home Town. We first ate all kinds of yummy foods like mashed potatoes, spaghetti and mac & cheese (ok that was me - most ate the ribs, chicken fried steak and spaghetti & meatballs). Then she opened her cards . . . that's when the tears came. Sarah put together a beautiful scrapbook for her as well. We each included pictures of ourselves and grandma along with a notecard with best wishes. She loved it. We finished up the night with cake. YUM! It was made by Victorian Cake Company - champagne flavored, stawberry filling and sugary frosting. What more could you ask for?!

The night was great and I think it's one my grandma will always remember.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Ok, so we are jumping on the band-wagon and starting a blog. I have been reading all of your blogs and thought we would give this a try. It seems life is so busy for everyone and this just might be the way we all can keep in contact.