Monday, December 22, 2008


Hunter has the best cousins ever! Here is a picture of his cousin Aaron. He is almost 2 years old and he is so great with Hunter. He likes to talk to him and play with him. He always points, smiles & tries to say Hunter's name every morning when I drop him off for the day. It's so cute! Hunter smiles & stares at Aaron any chance he gets. I know they will be best friends!

Here is our attempt to get a picture of all three kids.....obviously, not so good. Selah was not having it. The two boys were chillin' while Selah demanded off the floor :) Oh well, maybe next time we will get a good shot.

Selah & Hunter are five weeks apart. It is so great to have them so close in age. I am sure they will have a ton of fun as they get older. Selah is catching up to Hunter!

Welcome home Uncle Aaron!

We welcomed home Aaron just in time for Thanksgiving. Aaron was serving as an Army medic in Iraq for the past year. We thank God that there are people like him who are willing to fight for our freedom.

We met him and his group at the old hanger bay at Sky Harbor Airport. It was really cool. They all marched in and Governor Nepolitano spoke & thanked them for their service. Then they were dismissed. It was amazing to see all the families there. I couldn't believe how many men & women had to leave behind their small children.

Hunter was only 2 weeks old the last time Aaron saw him. He has grown a ton since then! Hunter wore a little red onesie that read " My uncle, my soldier, my hero." We were all very happy to see him home safe and sound.

Random 3 month pictures

Here are some random 3 month pictures of Hunter. I love putting overalls on my little man. He is so cute in them! But pants make him look older than he actually is...don't know why, but they just do. We also bought him this adorable teddy bear cozy. we can put it on over his clothes to keep him warm. It has little bear ears on the hood and paw prints on the feet.

2 month pictures

Here are some random 2 month pictures of Hunter. He is so adorable! At 2 months, he was holding his head up really well, lifting himself up and giggling like crazy. He loves to smile too. He has to be the happiest baby I have ever seen.

Hunter's 1st Halloween

For Halloween, I went with my sisters & thier families to the pumpkin patch. We had so much fun. We searched around for the perfect pumpkin. But first, we had to get pictures! We took this cute picture of Selah hanging out with a couple of pumpkins, or at least trying to. The pumpkins are bigger than her! Jon & Sarah tried to get Aaron to pick out his pumpkin. They wanted to make this a tradition for him. Sarah had planned to use the pumpkin to make a fresh homemade pumpkin pie. Aaron kept picking out the sad looking yellow pumpkins....too funny! Finally he found the perfect orange pumpkin. We bought Hunter a tiny pumpkin, perfect for his size and of course we had to get one for each of us too (yes, I know, we will never grow up, LOL). By the end of the night, Hunter crashed in daddy's arms. He had a fun night with his cousins.
Hunter was a puppy for Halloween. His costume had floppy ears and a cute little tail. It was so funny but he absolutely loved wearing his costume. Everytime he had it on, he would smile ear to ear and giggle. He would snuggle with it too :) We went to our church's fall fest on Halloween night. They had fun games for the kids, raffles for the adults and even a petting zoo.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


My good friend Angela recently lost her beautiful baby Kaiya. Kaiya spent two weeks with her family and touched each of them in a special way. Kaiya's heart did not develop properly and she had to undergo heart surgery. Sadly, she did not make it through this ordeal. But now her suffering is done and she is in Heaven.
Please pray for Kaiya's family - Angela, Kevin, Emma and Rylee. Pray that they find comfort in God, family and friends during this time. If you feel moved to, please donate or help spread the word of the need for donations for Kaiya's funeral and hospital bills. Money should be the last thing an amazing family like this should have to worry about during this time. There is a link to the right, please click on it to help or send the link to those who might be able to help.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Hunter is growing so fast. I can't believe how big he is getting. Here are some pictures from weeks 3, 4 & 5. He is so adorable! I still can't believe how perfect he is and just how lucky Dwight & I are to have him in our lives.

Hunter started holding his head up at 2 weeks. And by week 3, he could hold it up for about 4 - 5 minutes. He is so strong. He is going to be just like his daddy.
It's amazing that even newborn clothes are too big. So tiny! We are still trying to figure out what color hair he will have. It looks different every day. In this picture, it almost looks red. My bet is on brown....but time will tell :)
He loves his "binks". He doesn't want it all the time, just when he is not hungry and has the urge to suck. For some reason, he can't keep it in his mouth. He sounds like Maggie from the Simpsons when he sucks on it. He sucks really fast, the pacifer almost pops out of his mouth, then he sucks it right back in. It's so funny.
Hunter has lost most of his baby hair and now his regular hair is starting to grow in. I can't wait to see his full head of hair. Doesn't he look like a little model in this picture?
My little man's gorgeous blue eyes.....